There is a diamond for every budget. Before choosing the diamond you want to purchase, it is very important to think about three things:
1. What is the purpose of your purchase? Is it to make a jewel, or for an investment? These two purposes are of course possible to combine, but it is important to define your primary purpose.
2. What is your budget?
3. Which is your first priority – color, or size?
If you are buying a diamond primarily for investment purposes, you should first of all determine your budget, and then consider the market situation and prices of different colors. It is important to keep in mind that natural color diamonds is a mid- to long-term investment, rather than a means to make fast cash. We are here to advise you on the aspects that are important to think about when choosing a natural color diamond for an investment.
If you are buying a diamond to make a jewel, it is most important to choose with your heart, and find a shape and a color that suits your taste and personality. Have a look in our diamond shop, and explore both rough and polished diamonds, and the over 300 different colors that we have to offer. Please also keep in mind that the stock we have access to is much larger than the selection displayed on the website, so if you can’t find what you’re looking for in our web shop - just contact us.
It is also essential to keep in mind that with natural color diamonds – size is not what matters. Sometimes a smaller stone with a more intense color will stand out much more than a paler, larger diamond. A good example of that is this engagement ring with a 0.05 carat burgundy diamond that we made for a client. A tiny diamond, with a color so stunning and intense that it outshines stones twice as big.

If you have seen a diamond that you like on our website that you like, but that is out of your budget, please keep in mind that by adjusting the color intensity, size or clarity a little bit, it might be possible to enter within the limits of your budget. We are here to advise you on this, and we will always do our best to propose other diamonds from our stock that can suit your request and budget.