Is Color Grading Predictable on a Certificate
When we grade a natural color diamond at Langerman diamonds, we choose a name of color after a thorough examination of the stone. This means that we take our time to look at it under various lights and conditions. Therefore we use Northern daylight 65 light, the same one as laboratories, but we also examine the gem by sunny, or cloudy weather, etc. Of course the diamond’s color can appear different depending on these factors, and grading a natural color diamond is not an easy task. Nevertheless, every colored diamond has a predominant hue. This is how we determine a name, as we add the stone to our collection.
Picture courtesy: GIA
However, laboratories use a different method to grade natural color diamonds: the stones are examined under the Northern daylight 65 light only. This explains why the color name can appear different on the certificate they issue. Unfortunately, it happens a lot and this is why we cannot predict what laboratories will end up with. For example, a lime colored diamond could be graded either greenish yellow, yellowish green, yellow green, or green yellow. This comes from the fact that laboratories deliberately don’t take into account a green hue that would originate in fluorescence. Thus, a diamond will rarely be named just “green”. As for a champagne diamond, the name on the certificate could be brownish pink, pinkish brown, even pink brown or even just brown. Sometimes the color is simple to us, but the laboratory adds a modifier to it.
One thing is sure: at Langerman diamonds, we sell stones, not paper. The color names you can find on our website are the ones we see with the naked eye, in everyday light. However, you must know that if the laboratory certificate is important for you and you are not satisfied with it, it is still possible to cancel your purchase.